What our Customers say...

Building Services Testimonials

Went into work and found that my office had been severely flooded. After my building manager instructed me to call SERVPRO, their crews came in and made the disaster, "Like it never even happened."

A pipe had burst in my apartment building and I was furious when I was told I needed to evacuate. Not knowing how long this would take to fix, SERVPRO of Northern Rhode Island came in and assured me it would only take a day. You guys were right! Thank you!

Your services really are excellent! Thank you for coming to my office in the middle of the night. 

My landlord decided to use SERVPRO of Northern Rhode Island to fix a pipe that was affecting both my room and my neighbor’s room. They were very considerate and I could not have been happier with the result. 

Thank you SERVPRO of Northern Rhode Island for cleaning the flooded floor in my apartment building. If we had waited any longer, water would have began to come into my room, which would not have been fun!

When I saw the crew working in my apartment's hallway, I did not think I was going to be able to get to my door. Upon asking them to move, they very politely moved all of their equipment and apologized for being in the way. Thank you.

I have used another vendor before, but this time I was impressed by SERVPRO of Northern Rhode Island and the skills they possessed to clean my home's carpet! Thank you!